
It is my heartfelt belief that spirituality isn't about transcending this world and all it has to offer, as if we were just placed on this planet to see how well we could avoid temptation and pleasure. No, I know deep in my being that real spirituality is about connecting with the world, uniting ourselves with it's richness, it's complexity and sticky experiences, and finding meaning and peace within it.

I also believe in the ability of art to be a path towards this. For me, the beauty of art lies in it's physicality and how the material world of sense can be a profound way of expressing and exploring that which cannot easily be spoken of, only experienced. This becomes more powerful when we consciously use it to cultivate connection, joy and wisdom in our every day lives.

This blog is a record of my journey as I take small steps to being more consciously connected to my inner strength and personal power, and all the wonderful things that make my life feel richer and more authentic. I will share my thoughts and findings on art and spirituality, useful resources, and practical tips on how to live this path, with all the challenges and rewards that it brings. It isn't a place where you'll find tutorials on how to paint better, of to draw more accurately. It's about reminding you that you are an artist with the ability to create. My greatest hope for this blog is that it will inspire others to reconnect with their own strength and potential to create change and be artists of their own lives, and will hopefully further spread my wish that we all find the sacred within and without ourselves through our limitless creativity and meaningful intention.